Saturday, October 19, 2013


Q.Google is -
 1Virus Programme
 2Search Engine
  Ans: 2
Q.where are programs and data to be used by the computer available?
 2Processing unit
  Ans: 4
Q.A parallel port is most often used by a -
 4External storage device
  Ans: 3
Q.Computer follows a simple principle called GIGO which means:
 1Garbage in garbage out
 2Garbage input good output
 3Good input good output
 4Greater instructions greater output
  Ans: 1
Q.Arrange the following devices in ascending order of the speed: A. RAM B. Hard disk C. Cache D. Floppy
  Ans: 3
Q.What is the commonly used unit for measuring the speed of data transmission?
 1Bits per second
 2Nano seconds
 3Characters per second
 4Mega Hertz
  Ans: 1
Q.Which one among the following is not included in the basic functions of operating system?
 1Job Control
 2Job Scheduling
 3Memory Management
 4Data Management
  Ans: 1
Q.'Blue tooth' technology allows -
 1Landline phone to mobile phone communication
 2Signal transmission on mobile phones only
 3Wireless communication between equipments
 4Satellite television communication
  Ans: 3
Q.Which of the following statements about the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network System (CCTNS) is/are correct?
1. It will facilitate real time access of classified criminal data to the law enforcementauthorities.
2. National Crime Record Bureau is the nodal agency mandated to implement the network in all the states.
Select the correct answer using the code given below-
 11 only
 22 only
 3Both 1 and 2
 4Neither 1 nor 2
  Ans: 1
Q.One byte consists of
 1four bits
 2one bit
 3ten bit
 4eight bits
  Ans: 4
 1an electronic computer
 2an engine
 3a memory device
 4an electronic calculator
  Ans: 1
Q.The operating system called UNIX is typically used for -
 1Desktop computers
 2Laptop computers
 4All of these
  Ans: 4
Q.There are several primary categories of procedures. Which of the following is not a primary category of procedures?
 2Backup and recovery
 3Firewall development
  Ans: 3
Q.All of the logic and mathematical calculations done by the computer happen in/on the -
 1Central processing unit
 2Mother board
 4Central control unit
  Ans: 1
Q.The connection between your computer at home and your local ISP is called -
 1The last mile
 2The home Stretch
 3The home page
 4The backbone
  Ans: 3
Q.When speaking of computer input and output, input refers to -
 1any data processing that occurs from new data input into the computer
 2data or information that has been entered into the computer
 3the transmission of data that has been input into the computer
 4Both (C) and (D) above.
  Ans: 4
Q.Computer software can be defined as--
 1the computer and its associated equipment
 2the instructions that tell the computer what to do
 3computer components that act to accomplish a goal
 4an interface between the computer and the network
  Ans: 2
Q.The main memory of a computer can also be called -
 1Primary storage
 2Internal memory
 3Primary memory
 4All of these
  Ans: 3
Q.Which of the following is not a type of computer software which can be thought?
 4Off-the-shelf with alterations
  Ans: 4
Q......are attempts by individuals to obtain confidential information from you by falsifying their identity.
 1Phishing trips
 2Computer viruses
 3Spyware scams
 4Phishing Scams
  Ans: 4

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